The Lady Rochford Saga Part 2

My second novella, “Tourmens de Mariage”, Part 2 of The Lady Rochford Saga, has been very successful since its release on the 19th May! It has been more successful than Part 1, peaking at 5000 on the Amazon Bestsellers Rank! When you consider how many books there are available now (much, much, much more than in the 1990s and the “Noughties”) and that I am a Self-Published Author, this is very good! I’ve even had my first Five Star review on US!
“Tourmens de Mariage”, Part 2 of The Lady Rochford Saga, is available world-wide! If your country has Amazon, you can order it:
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Like Part 1, it is an ebook and can be read on Kindle, Iphone and Ipad.
Part 2 continues Jane's story from where it left off in Part 1. In the Tudor period, marriage was important. It was central to society; it was used for political alliances and to unite noble families. As Jane Parker marries George Boleyn, her sister-in-law Anne takes matters into her own hands and attempts to make a match of her own. However, while matches are being made, Jane’s loyalty to both the Boleyns and her Queen are put to the ultimate test, as there is the dawning realisation that the most important marriage in the land is about to end.
As always, many thanks for all your continued support!